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The excitement of Upgrading event of Students Associations in Various Departments

Padang - FE UNP . To improve the competence and knowledge of official and members of all departments’ Student Associations who were newly appointed at the beginning of April 2016, the Faculty of Economics has organized an Upgrading event for period 2016-2017.  This year's upgrading was held  with a theme "Building the Students Autonomy in Organization.”

The upgrading was held in the Auditorium Prof. Kamaluddin with participants across the official and members of various program studies’ Student Associations including, namely, those of Economics Educations, Development Economics, Management, Accounting, and the Diplome Program of Trade management and Accounting.

The event was held on Saturday, 16th April 2016, which was formally opened by the Associate Dean of Students Affairs, Dr. Efrizal Sofyan , SE., M.Sc., Akt., CA. The Associate Dean motivated the participants to always keep up their organizational spirit without abandoning their academic duties. With the upgrading , The Associate Dean hoped the members of Student Associations can come up with various creativities and innovations to be manifested into their working programs and  activities for the upcoming years.

The upgrading also presented a number of speakers. Arief Maulana, SE., MM and Alpon Satrianto, SE., ME. gave presentations on the role of student associations within the faculty.  In addition, Chichi Andriani, SE., MM. presented materials on Motivation to Organize.

Besides topics on organization, the Upgrading also provided technical training such as Administration of Official Correspondence by Dra. Armida S, M.Si. and Financial Administration and Activity Reporting by Murni, S.Kom., M.Pd. As such, it is expected that theofficials and members can design and undertake various activities without facing serious administrative and technical problems.(syd-sd)