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Dean's Message

Dr. Idris, M.Si


Welcome to Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Padang


Faculty of Economics Universitas Negeri Padang (FE UNP) is one of the faculty in Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) which has the role in organizing both education field of higher education, namely Economic Education, and non-educational fields, namely Economics, Management, and Accounting.

In accordance with the “Wider Mandate” given by the Ministry of National Education Republic of Indonesia to UNP, FE UNP remains focused in organizing educational programs that yield educational staffs (teachers) in economics and business, in addition to developing educational programs in economics, management, and accounting, organized by the Faculty of Economics in general. This is different FE UNP with other Faculty of Economics.

Therefore, FE UNP has several study programs in the field of education and non-education, both academic programs and vocational programs with various levels of programs as follows:

1. Field of Education (academic program)

1.1. Undergraduate program of Economics Education with the aim of producing graduate education in economics and business with an academic degree Bachelor of Education (S.Pd).

1.2. Graduate program of  Economics Eduation by producing Master of Education in economics and business with academic degrees Master of Education (M.Pd.E)

2. Non-educational field with academic program of study program:

2.1. Undergraduate program of  Management with the aim of producing a bachelor of management field with a Bachelor of Economics degree (S.E). The course also has a Dual Degree program of cooperation between FE UNP and the College of Business Universiti Utara Malaysia with a Bachelor of Economics degree and a Bachelor of Business Administration (S.E., B.B.A Hons).

2.2. Undergraduate program of Accounting with the aim of producing a Bachelor degree in Accounting with a Bachelor of Economics degree (S.E).

2.3. Undergraduate program of Economics S-1 with the aim of producing a Bachelor of Economics with a Bachelor of Economics degree (S.E).

2.4. Graduate program of Management (S-2) with the aim of producing a Master of Management with an academic degree is Master of Management (M.M).

2.5. Graduate program of Economics (S-2) with the aim of producing a Master of Economics with an Academic Master of Economics (M.E).

2.6 Doctoral program of Environmental Assessment and Development (S3) with the aim of producing a Doctorate of Environmental and Development Studies with an academic degree Doctor (Dr.)

3. Non-educational field with vocational program study program:

3.1. Diploma of Accounting with the aim of producing skilled Madya Experts in the field of Accounting with a degree of academic Expert Madya (A.Md).

3.2. Diploma of Trade Management with the aim of producing skilled Madya Experts in the field of Trade Management with an academic degree of Expert Madya (A.Md).

3.3. Diploma of Tax Management with the aim of producing skilled Madya Experts in the field of Tax Management with a degree of Expert Madya (A.Md)

As an institution of higher learning, FE UNP also seeks to produce graduates who have high competitiveness in order to face the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) by linking and matching FE UNP curriculum based on competence orientation of KKNI to the needs of ASEAN Economic Community. To that end, the elements of leadership and lecturers have made an industry visit to various national and national companies to see firsthand the needs of the industrial world to the graduates of FE UNP in the era of MEA.

In addition, FE UNP also gives opportunity to lecturers for advanced study of S-3 with perioritas at overseas university. Currently, there are several FE UNP lecturers who are currently undertaking further studies in the UK, Australia and Malaysia, as well as top universities in Indonesia, such as at Universitas Indonesia (UI) and Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM). Recently, there are 3 lecturers of FE UNP who completed doctoral education at Deakin University, Macquarie University Australia and Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM).

FE UNP also seeks to implement Quality Assurance through internal quality control at the study program level and faculty as well as external recognition from BAN PT and ISO 9001: 2008 for academic and academic administration services to FE UNP stakeholders. Currently, the entire S-1 program is Prodi Economic Education, Prodi management, Accounting and Development Economics program has been accredited A version of BAN PT. In addition, the Faculty of Economics has also conducted recertification for ISO 9001: 2015. Furthermore, Prodi S-1 Management has also been prepared to perform AUN QA certification (ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance). With the certification, it means Prodi S-1 Management has an international quality that is equivalent to the best universities in ASEAN.



The Dean