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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Training and Customer Service Ethics for GIBEI FE UNP Members

Padang- FE UNP. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Training Activities and Customer Service Ethics for GIBEI FE UNP Members are drawn up by DPH and Managers for new board and also attended by former committee and commissioners. The event was also attended by the founder of GIBEI FE UNP, Erly Mulyani, SE., M.Si, Ak. This activity begins with an explication from the President Director of Gibei FE UNP, Doni Kurniawan, regarding GIBEI Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) applicable in daily GIBEI operations, such as SOPs for picketing members, customer service SOP, data request SOP, .

For the next event, the guidance about GIBEI FE UNP for new board delivered by the founder of GIBEI FE UNP. Then, the provision of educational basics that guided by Nita Larassati. After that, the event continued by briefing about the basic public relations by Irvansyah. Finally, it ends with a briefing given by Ayu about the Ethics of Customer Service. (ot)