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Visitation of Islamic University of Riau

Padang - FE UNP. On Wednesday April 25, 2018, HMJ Economic Education held a welcoming event of students from HIMA Pendidikan Akuntansi Universitas Islam Riau in the framework of comparative study. The event was attended by 28 students from Hima Peka Islamic University of Riau, accompanied by several lecturers and Head of Department of Accounting Education, while from Economic Education FE UNP was attended by Vice Dean I Dr. Efrizal Syofyan, M.Si, Head of Pekon Tri Kurniawati, S.Pd., M.Pd, The coach of HMJ Pendidikan Ekonomi, and other lecturers.

The event starts at 09.00 am which opens with the reading of al-quran verse by Ainaya Al-Fatiha from Division of Spirituality, then speech from H. Zakir Has, SH., M.Pd as lecturer from Islamic University of Riau, then welcome speech at once the opening of the event by the Vice Dean I of the Faculty of Economics, then reports on the event activities of the Chief Executive of Sony Taufik. Report from Chairman of Hima Pekon Danang Krismandi and continued with remarks from Chairman of Hima Peka Simah.

After opening, the next event is an organizational discussion. In the discussion of this organization we introduce each other organizations and discuss about each HMJ related organizational structure, work program and others. After lunch break and lunch time, the event continued with discussion and games. The discussion took place very well and warmly. After the prayer ashar event continued with the introduction of Campus State University of Padang and outdoor events on the beach elephant and closed with a photo session together. (ot)