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BAN-PT Kemdikbud RI


National Accreditation Agency of Higher Education  (BAN-PT)


National Accreditation Agency of Higher Education (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi/BAN-PT) was established in 1994 based on Law No. 2 year 1989 on National Education System and Government Regulation No. 60 year 1999 on Higher Education as the only government-backed accreditation institution at that time. It has the authority to undertake accreditation process on all higher education institutions including State Universities, Private Universities, Religious/Theological Universities, Service Universities, long-distant education programs, and education programs offered by overseas universities as cooperations with domestic universities. The issuance of Law No. 20 year 2003 on National Education System signified several significant changes on accreditation system, namely, (1) the shift from voluntary accreditation into mandatory accreditation; (2) the shift from accreditation of study program into accreditation of study program and institution; (3) the shift from voluntary internal quality control into mandatory one; and (4) the shift from single accreditation agency into several agencies.

Furthermore, the main function of BAN-PT experienced significant changes by the issuance of Law No. 12 year 2012 on Higher Education and Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 59 year 2012 on National Accreditation Agency. The changes were particularly related to the establishment of Independent Accreditation Agency (Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri/LAM) for closely-related disciplines as required by Law No. 20 year 2003 on National Education System. At present BAN-PT responsible for at least six tasks, namely, (1) developing national accreditation system; (2) conducting accreditation of institutions; conducting feasibility study on new study programs or universities along with Directorate General of Higher Education (Ditjen Dikti); (4) providing recommendations and (5) evaluation on Independent Accreditation Agency; and (6) conducting accreditation of study programs which have no Independent Accreditation Agency for closely-related discipline (Source:

Universitas Negeri Padang Accreditations

Accreditations Faculty of Economic Universitas Negeri Padang

1. Economic Education Accreditation (A Accreditation)


2. Economic Management Accreditation (A Accreditation)


3. Economic Development Accreditation (A Accreditation)


4. Accounting Accreditation (A Accreditation)


5. Accounting Diploma 3 Accreditation (A Accreditation)


6. Trade Management Diploma 3 Accreditation (A Accreditation)


7 Master of Economics Accreditation (A Accreditation)


8. Master of Education Economics (A Accreditation)


9. Master of Management (A Accreditation)


10. Tax Management Program  (D3)  (B Accreditation)


11. Environmental Assessment  and Development Program (S3)  (C Accreditation)