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  1. Dr. Efrizal Syofyan, SE., M.Si., Ak., CA.

    ... CV Efrizal Syofyan.pdf Lectur Scholarly      :   ...

    admin - 2018-07-04 16:41

  2. History of the Management

    ... Idris, M.Si Vice Dean I (PAW)          : Dr. Efrizal Syofyan, SE, Ak, M.Si     Vice Dean II               ... Susi Evanita, MS Vice Dean III        : Dr. Efrizal Syofyan, SE, Ak, M.Si   Leadership Period 2011-2015 ...

    spradmin - 2019-09-03 01:26

  3. Visitation of Islamic University of Riau

    ... Economic Education FE UNP was attended by Vice Dean I Dr. Efrizal Syofyan, M.Si , Head of Pekon Tri Kurniawati, S.Pd., M.Pd , The ...

    admin - 2018-07-04 16:32

  4. Defrizal Putra Was Elected As Chairman Of Students Executive Board 2016

    ... Wardi, Drs, MSi. and Vice Dean III for Student Affairs Dr. Efrizal Sofyan, SE, MSi, CA, Ak. as well as the lecturers who are involved as ...

    admin - 2016-04-01 14:32

  5. Halal Bi Halal and the Release of Candidates for Haji

    ... function were the faculty management—Dr. Idris, M.Si., Dr. Efrizal Syofyan, SE, MSi, Ak, CA., and Dr. Susi Evanita, MS.—along with ...

    admin - 2017-07-22 09:50

  6. The Grand Launching Of The Economist Band

    ... 3rd Exoteek The Associate Dean of Students Affairs, Dr. Efrizal Sofyan, SE., M.Sc., Ak., CA., who attended the event expressed his ...

    admin - 2016-06-22 08:24

  7. The Closing Ceremony Of The 2016’s Krida Activities

    ... the Faculty. The Krida was closed by Vice Dean III, Dr. Efrizal Syofyan, SE, Msi, CA, Ak., representing the Dean. In the closing ...

    admin - 2016-10-19 10:20

  8. The excitement of Upgrading event of Students Associations in Various Departments

    ... opened by the Associate Dean of Students Affairs, Dr. Efrizal Sofyan , SE., M.Sc., Akt., CA. The Associate Dean motivated the ...

    admin - 2016-06-22 08:19

  9. The Faculty Of Economics Unp Participated In AFEBI Congress

    ... Dr. Idris , M.Si and Vice Dean of Students Affairs Dr. Efrizal Sofyan, SE., M.Si., Ak., CA, as well as the Head of Departments, ...

    admin - 2016-08-18 08:29

  10. The Bem Management Capacity Improvement By Upgrading

    ... Drs, M.Sc.; the Associate Dean of Students Affairs Dr. H. Efrizal Syofyan, SE, M.Si., Ak., CA.; the BEM Supervisor, Ms. Chichi Andriani ...

    admin - 2016-06-22 08:25
